Today’s entry must be brief, as I am far behind with many things.
The pandemic has had its pleasures, has it not? Like Zoom classes and falling down YouTube rabbit holes and OH LORDY Netflix and Hulu and Disney Plus and Amazon Prime, ETC.
I am thrilled to be taking a Zoom watercolor class with André Méhu, a wonderful artist my friend Dana found last year (that’s his work below!). Friends Dana and Lynn and I had the privilege of spending a weekend with him and his wife in Brittany in November. Totally magical. André is a very good teacher, so it is great to be able to study with him again, remotely!
We are now studying notan, which is a complete horror, if necessary.
We had our first class this evening. I may–or MAY NOT–be posting some of my work here. Stay tuned!

Can’t wait to see and hear about the class!!