You’ve heard about the rats in New York, right?

occasional casual reader, ie, Mom, has been heard to complain that this
blog doesn’t get updated often enough. So today I thought I would give
you some photos of my street.

Does this critter convince you that you shouldn’t hire nonunion
labor? That’s what it’s for. So some poor fellow drives his truck to the
construction site in question, here, across the street, where an
apartment building is going up, and starts up some contraption that
inflates this miserable rat. So when I pop out the door in the mornings,
what should I espy . . . but this creature? LOVELY. Dsc_0120_3

In cheerier matters, below is my cute little house (the yellow one, on the left) in Galveston, which I still miss. No rats–on the street, I mean!


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1 Response to You’ve heard about the rats in New York, right?

  1. Loretta says:

    Oh yeah, Brooklyn has rats and Galveston is cuter – but where would you rather be??
    BTW – Stan’s boss attacked that very same rat with a knife. Not exactly a pro-union shop.

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